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Friday, 26 August 2011

Lose Belly Fat Seven Tips to a Trimmer Stomach

For a lot of people who are unsatisfied with the appearance of their bodies, losing weight isn't the challenge. The challenge lies in trying to lose belly fat. This can be a tough area to slim down if you don't know how. I am please to say there are easy ways to confront this head on, and by following these seven tips, losing tummy fat can be easy.

1) Take a look at what you eat. In order to lose stomach fat, it's essential to eat a wide range of foods in your diet, rather than to "diet". Your body needs a certain blend of nutrients that can only be achieved by a healthy diet that includes whole grains, fruits and vegetables, calcium rich foods and even omega fats.

2) Are you getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals? There are lots of vitamins and mineral supplements out there that experts claim will help you lose belly fat, but a better way to get these nutrients is through a healthy diet. Before starting any supplement that claims to reduce tummy fat, follow tip seven.

3) Kick alcohol and smoking out of your lifestyle. While we talking about the subject of stress, the toxins in cigarettes and alcoholic beverages are scientifically proven to increase the natural stress reaction in your body. Not only is cutting smoking and alcohol out of your diet part of a better lifestyle, but it also helps you lose tummy fat by dropping down stress.

4) Exercise. This tip should not surprise you, as the main cause of stomach fat is a sedentary lifestyle. In order to lose tummy fat, get 30 minutes to an hour of cardio exercise per day, and strength train three to five times a week. Building muscle will lead to better metabolism, which will burn fat more effectively. Once you begin to drop off your belly fat, the effects of abdominal training will start to become clear.

5) Destress your life. Stress is renowned for increases in weight, especially belly fat. Whilst a healthier overall lifestyle that includes a wide verity of different whole foods and regular exercise will naturally keep your stress levels, there are other things that will make a difference to lose belly fat. Make time for yourself and your hobbies, and monitor your stress levels.

6) Understand hormones and the effect they have on tummy fat. Hormones come in two varieties, at least for our purpose - stress hormones, and hormonal changes. Stress hormones can be addressed by following tips three and five. Hormonal changes also affect belly fat; as we age, hormones change the way our bodies break down and store fat. The general solution to dealing with this unfair fact is having a healthy way of life as you age.

7) Follow your doctor's advice. A powerful ally in the battle to lose belly fat is your doctor. He or she can help you create a plan for a healthier lifestyle, as well as rule out any medical conditions for your weight issue. The support of your practitioner and the support of a weight loss club can prove to be the difference in achieving your goals and keeping you focused.

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Health: The Basics, Green Edition  

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